Theorie Webshop van Rijschool Ree
Kies je pakket:
Online Budget package
€ 25.00
- Theory Day Course (Live Online)
- 3 Months of unlimited access to online practice questions and exams
- Exam training (warming up for CBR exam)
- Success guarantee
Complete Online Package
aanbevolen€ 49.00
- Unlimited access to online theory courses for a month
- Monthly unlimited access to online practice questions and exams
- Unlimited access to exam training for a month (warming up for CBR exam)
- Success guarantee
Complete Online Package (3mnd)
€ 74.00
- 3 Months of unlimited access to online theory courses
- 3 Months of unlimited access to online practice questions and exams
- Success guarantee
Theory Book
€ 26.50
- Theory Day Course (Live Online)
- Car theory book
Inbegrepen in alle pakketten
App: Voorrangssituaties oefenen
App: Overzicht van alle verkeersborden
Persoonlijk studieadvies
Chat ondersteuning van theoriedocent
Gelegenheid tot het stellen van vragen
aan een professionele theoriedocent.
Online Oefen platform
Het online platform voor auto, scooter, motor bevat:50 Unieke examens
3250 Oefenvragen
9 Toetsen